torture Shocking UN Report: Guantanamo violates International law, may be crimes against humanity Thom Dunn
racism Elizabeth Warren has a plan to reform "Heirs' Property," which allows wealthy white property developers to steal Black family homes Cory Doctorow
elections Elizabeth Warren publishes a massive, detailed plan for addressing the injustice of US relations with indigenous American peoples Cory Doctorow
law Heirs' property: how southern states allow white land developers to steal reconstruction-era land from Black families Cory Doctorow
fox news Bill O'Reilly sums up American history perfectly in two tweets, doesn't realize it Xeni Jardin
Boing Boing Gadgets Ready, set, slice! Holiday meal prep is easy as pie when you upgrade to this knife set Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets You'll be ready for holiday meal prep when you upgrade your knives to this set! Boing Boing's Shop
politics RNC plans for historic nomination acceptance speech delivered from house arrest by a convicted felon Jason Weisberger
politics Santos slaps MAGA lawmaker with unsavory label after being called a "crook" (video) Carla Sinclair