Technology Student says University of Washington has threatened to expel him for a course-trading app he built for class project [UPDATED] Mark Frauenfelder
psychology Stanford's massive tobacco ad archive reveals a century of psychological manipulation Ellsworth Toohey
public health As avian flu spreads, backyard chicken groups share conspiracy theories Jennifer Sandlin
CDC Dr. Deborah Birx: "Our agencies are making the same mistakes they made with COVID" Jennifer Sandlin
tangled with joy Doggo so excited, she accidentally wags tail around tree — and gets stuck (video) Carla Sinclair
drugs San Francisco's famed magic mushroom church closing doors, cites city government "harassment" Allan Rose Hill
books Lost sci-fi masterpieces return with stunning cover designs by cartoonist Seth Mark Frauenfelder
simpsons Steamed Hams and the beautiful degradation of copying VHS tapes (video) Lux Sparks-Pescovitz