gender Wrestling's queer appeal: author explores performances of gender in powerful new piece Thom Dunn
WWE Vince McMahon reportedly paid upwards of $12 million in hush money to four former employees Devin Nealy
"Protectors" Secret Service agent sexually assaults Kamala Harris staffer, say witnesses Carla Sinclair
Business What's going on with the WWE? Imagine HBO's "Succession," except it's about professional wrestling Devin Nealy
Wrestling WSJ reports WWE Chairman Vince McMahon paid woman employee $3 million hush money after alleged affair Devin Nealy
trump Troll of the year: Putin offers to release transcript of Trump's meeting with Russian diplomats Rob Beschizza
politics Staffers for millionaire/wrestling magnate/failed GOP Senate candidate say they were stiffed, got bad checks and condoms: "you're screwed" Cory Doctorow