maga MAGA Rep Nancy Mace says she supports Jim Jordan because only adults were sexually abused when he was wrestling coach Mark Frauenfelder
television Come get a heaping helping of 90s nostalgia as wrestling legends Undertaker and Mankind reunite to watch their brutal and iconic Hell in a Cell match Devin Nealy
gender Wrestling's queer appeal: author explores performances of gender in powerful new piece Thom Dunn
sports Mom of college wrestler so disappointed watching her son lose that she destroys her eyeglasses (video) David Pescovitz
Wrestling WSJ reports WWE Chairman Vince McMahon paid woman employee $3 million hush money after alleged affair Devin Nealy
COVID-19 Official COVID-19 high school wrestling rule: you can wrestle but no shaking hands David Pescovitz
performance art WWE Smackdown without an audience is a like Beckett-esque absurdist theatre Thom Dunn