education Meet the Depression-era vaudeville family that set a world record for school-hopping Ellsworth Toohey
Roman-era Barbarians snorted drugs from tiny spoons on their belts to get fired up for fighting Allan Rose Hill
musk Elon Musk, from behind a massive army of bodyguards, now tweeting 150+ times a day Rob Beschizza
movies How the movie Jaws inspired the creepy Friday the 13th "ki ki ki, ma, ma, ma" sound effect Allan Rose Hill
Russian state TV Panicked Putin pundits say "old" Trump should have been "a little bit smarter" against Biden Carla Sinclair
barnacles Donald Trump suffers from a case of "the ick" with Kari Lake — tries to nudge her away from Mar-a-Lago Carla Sinclair
science fiction Review: Paul Di Filippo trips the multiverse fantastic in "Vangie's Ghosts" Gareth Branwyn
tabloids Presidential perverts, Trump's feet, and Biden's medical crisis in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan