Multiple gerbils. Police arrest man with "multiple gerbils" in his pants after pet store robbery Rob Beschizza
facebook Zuckerberg personally and repeatedly thwarted efforts by Meta's management to address teen mental health dangers Rob Beschizza
documentaries Documentary about famed sideshow performer Schlitzie "coming out soon" Jennifer Sandlin
politics Dee Snider and Ted Nugent back Paul Stanley's claim that gender-affirming care is a "sad and dangerous fad" Jennifer Sandlin
mental health Kevin Smith opens up about trauma after spending a month in a mental health facility Rusty Blazenhoff
martyrs for freedumbs Watch: UCLA doctor is escorted out of medical center after speaking at anti-vax rally Carla Sinclair
tabloids America set to be nuked, anarchy in the US, and the men who knew too much, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Boing Boing Gadgets Need help mellowing out lately? These meditation apps might calm you down Boing Boing's Shop
politics New Jersey AG says 5 politicians took thousands in cash bribes via envelopes, paper bags, coffee cups Xeni Jardin
World Mental Health Day It's World Mental Health Day: A primer on depression for the public-at-large Maureen Herman
Japan A fun thing to do in LA on 9/22/19: screening of The Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice (1952) Mark Frauenfelder
science fiction Dell Magazines have changed the Campbell Award to the Astounding Award, removing the name of fascist John W Campbell Cory Doctorow