body autonomy Bizarre statement from president of Americans United for Life: if a 10-year-old got an abortion "it would not be an abortion" Mark Frauenfelder
supreme court Pete Buttigieg makes short work of Fox News reporter who tried to entrap him with a tweet his husband made Mark Frauenfelder
body autonomy Here's a list of gynecologists who will perform a tubal ligation without interrogating you Jennifer Sandlin
research Manosphere grifters misuse evolutionary psychology to promote anti-feminist views Jennifer Sandlin
cults "Warrior Poet" performs an ode to breasts and bodily autonomy, except when it comes to implants Jennifer Sandlin
medicine Study shows gender-affirming chest surgery produces "overwhelmingly positive" results Jason Weisberger
a whale of a fail, me lads Phase three is profit: Yaccarino on the brilliance of Musk's rebrand Jason Weisberger
abortion At least two more raped minors were denied abortions in Ohio, forced to flee the state Jason Weisberger
florida man Matt Gaetz's positive spin on lesbians being raped and losing their body autonomy is non-sense Jason Weisberger
News Anti-vaxxer invited by Senate Republicans to testify before Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday Xeni Jardin
Boing Boing Gadgets Abbott Labs kills free tool that lets you own the blood-sugar data from your glucose monitor, saying it violates copyright law Cory Doctorow