Real things you can actually buy For sale: a private jet from Elvis Presley's collection Rusty Blazenhoff
caveat emptor How online retailers trick you into signing up for costly monthly memberships Mark Frauenfelder
Business Florida property-tax auction winner didn't realize he was bidding on a 12"-wide strip between two houses Cory Doctorow
public health Homeopathic Berlin Wall Pills made from its pulverized concrete "treat" loneliness, isolation, and oppression Jennifer Sandlin
tourist traps Man charged $50 for two espressos and two bottles of water at a Venice cafe stirs up online mob Mark Frauenfelder
happy mutants Kickstarting a gorgeous, thoughtfully designed hardcover notebooks for RPG campaigns Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets Kickstarting a replica of the original Pioneer Plaque, manufactured by the original craftsman Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Kickstarting a lamp controlled by a lovely set of magnetic balls on strings Cory Doctorow