NFTs Gentleman tried to flip "Jack Dorsey's first tweet" NFT for $48 million, but highest offer was only $277 Carla Sinclair
meat "Quantities of intercepted bologna are so large it's hard to believe there are any pigs left in the world," says reporter about bologna seizures on Texas border Jennifer Sandlin
russiagate Corrupt Ukrainian oligarch, a close associate of Rudy Giuliani and funder of Kevin McCarthy, sentenced to federal prison yesterday Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Kim Jong-un is dead, Prince Andrew is broke, and Kobe Bryant killed himself, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
fortnite FortNite Battle Royale's instantly deploying 'Porta-Fort' looks really cool Jason Weisberger
nashville Nashville restaurant makes it easy for diners to buy their cooks a round of beer Rusty Blazenhoff
Business The 265 Republican Congressjerks who just nuked your online privacy sold out for chump change Cory Doctorow
Business Penguin fights Amazon by cutting off libraries' access to the books they've paid for (Updated) Cory Doctorow