crime 6-day prison sentence for FedEx driver who stole guns from packages he was supposed to deliver Rob Beschizza
racism FedEx driver screamed and cursed at by racist driveway owner while delivering a package to his house Mark Frauenfelder
usps They're never going to get rid of the Postal Service because then who would deliver the scorpions? Thom Dunn
Business Amazon reinstates FedEx ground delivery for Prime after suspending it last month Xeni Jardin
Business Fedex bought a company that stored 119,000 pieces of scanned customer IDs in a public Amazon cloud server, shut the company down, left the scans online for anyone to download Cory Doctorow
tariffs USPS resumes accepting packages from China and Hong Kong, until further notice [updated] Carla Sinclair
politics "They hold sentimental value": Giuliani's lawyer whines as luxury watches seized for debt Ellsworth Toohey
Whistle defiers Defective Boeing flight catches fire, hospitalizing 10 victims on board (video) Carla Sinclair
prison labor Arizona makes millions selling imprisoned and unpaid laborers to companies Jennifer Sandlin