The Trump party Nikki Haley finally understands MAGA — and she's dropping out of the race Carla Sinclair
psychology Financial columnist shares how she was scammed out of $50,000 by fake CIA agent Mark Frauenfelder
politics When Putin attacked Ukraine, American right-wingers kissed his ass. They're backing off now he's been denied a quick victory Rob Beschizza
art Art gallery declared insensitive for selling ear-shaped rubber eraser and other gag gifts at Van Gogh exhibit David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets This anti-snoring mask will help you get the ultimate sleep without the pricey trip for a sleep study Boing Boing's Shop
lawsuits Virginia school board pays $1.3m to trans student it banned from the boys' bathroom Rob Beschizza
finance AOC grills Equifax CEO: the Congressional record now contains the obvious, infuriating truth that everyone else already knew Cory Doctorow
security WPA2 was kracked because it was based on a closed standard that you needed to pay to read Cory Doctorow
picks Snowden on Allo: It's "Google Surveillance," so "Don't use" messaging and personal assistant app Xeni Jardin