self-sabotaging behavior Gentleman with gun charges shows up at court — and hurls a bomb that explodes Carla Sinclair
politics Students for Trump leader faces charges for striking girlfriend in the head with a pistol Mark Frauenfelder
guns Maryland Supreme Court makes it illegal to say which gun shot a bullet in ballistic testimonies Thom Dunn
military-industrial complex The Army is testing a new exoskeleton that's halfway between Iron Man and the ALIENS Power Loader suit Thom Dunn
guns Smith & Wesson sued the state of New Jersey for having an "anti-Second Amendment Agenda" Thom Dunn
guns Gatling guns, balloon corps, and other weapons introduced during the American Civil War Thom Dunn
gun violence Washington is finally starting to do something about gun violence, just not about mass shootings Thom Dunn
crime 3D-printed gun promoter arrested in Taiwan, returned to US, and bailed on sex charge Rob Beschizza
tech Britain's online safety rules come into force, and sites are already shutting down. Rob Beschizza