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immediate take-backs Oops! Crybaby Rittenhouse does instant about-face after snubbing Donald Trump Carla Sinclair
News Puppy-killing MAGA princess Kristi Noem costs GOP thousands in cancelled fundraiser Mark Frauenfelder
late stage capitalism Multi-level Marketing scheme "disguised as an advocacy organization" draws criticism Jennifer Sandlin
politics Republicans demand Democrats clean up their mess but offer nothing in return Jason Weisberger
History Adidas CEO says Hitler-loving Kanye isn't really an antisemite — "It just came off that way." Mark Frauenfelder
jerks The artist who posted that horrible personal assistant ad was Tom Sachs, and now Nike has dumped him Mark Frauenfelder
climate change Meet the millennial who's mapping the Catholic Church's land holdings to fight climate change Thom Dunn