facebook Facebook is the hub of the global trade in endangered species: can securities law be used to force the company into action? Cory Doctorow
animals China plans to ban ivory trade "within a year or so." US official: Yes it's a "huge" deal. Xeni Jardin
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chocolate Hot chocolate! Cocoa prices hit all-time highs amid global supply shortages Mark Frauenfelder
Delightful Creatures Proof elephants are smarter and funnier than most humans I know (sorry, humans!) Jennifer Sandlin
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science fiction Get the free online edition of the classic 1986 cyberpunk anthology Mirrorshades Mark Frauenfelder
climate change Smash Mouth wrote "All Star" to warn us about climate change & anti-intellectualism and we turned it into a meme Thom Dunn
Science 18th century sculpture depicts how people used to believe "tooth worms" caused cavities Popkin