law Judge rules elephants can't pursue release from zoo because "an elephant is not a person" Allan Rose Hill
hard-learned lessons Tourists try to befriend elephant — but end up running for their lives (video) Carla Sinclair
Delightful Creatures Botswana threatens to send 20,000 elephants to roam free in Germany Natalie Dressed
Wilderness Elephant charges and flips safari truck in Zambia, killing 80-year-old American tourist Carla Sinclair
irresponsible tourism Angry elephant terrifies tourists — who got too close — when it lifts and slams their safari truck Carla Sinclair
animals Elephant smashes car window with people inside and rummages for snacks (video) David Pescovitz
Delightful Creatures Watch an elephant herd cross the road, then thank drivers for waiting Ruben Bolling
a lovely book to trumpet Arnold the Elephant is stranded on a small, rocky, deserted island in Leo Timmers's new book. Elías Villoro
Delightful Creatures Silly elephant seems to laugh at and mimic its more timid friend (video) Carla Sinclair
Delightful Creatures Reporter is interrupted by a hilarious baby elephant who can't keep her trunk off him (video) Carla Sinclair
animals Elephant allegedly trampled woman, then showed up at her funeral to attack the corpse David Pescovitz
Delightful Creatures Watch: Baby elephant insists on kicking man out of bed to take a nap Carla Sinclair