travel mishaps Oops! Frontier Airlines sent passenger to Jamaica instead of Jacksonville — without a passport Carla Sinclair
History "The Christmas Uprising" in Jamaica, 1831, heralded the end of slavery in the British Empire Elías Villoro
spooks Phone scammer tried to con William Webster, the only person ever to serve as director of both the CIA and FBI: it did not go well Cory Doctorow
corruption The growth of Jamaican phone-scamming caused a crime-wave and martial law in Montego Bay Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Jamaica's new copyright means Jamaicans pay for reggae the rest of the world gets free Cory Doctorow
toys "Wicked" toys from Mattel featuring link to porn site pulled from shelves, now available on eBay Allan Rose Hill
Confused racists Trump bizarrely blames Harris for turned-Black remark: "She said it. I didn't say it" (video) Carla Sinclair
music In 1964, two teens complained about "obscene" "Louie, Louie" lyrics to Indiana governor — 50 years later a reporter tracked them down and asked why Mark Frauenfelder
supreme court ProPublica releases information on 38 additional billionaire-funded vacations that Clarence Thomas failed to report Jason Weisberger