Disney Marvel's fake meta-musical becomes a real one for Disney's California Adventure Rusty Blazenhoff
facebook Meta, company formerly known as Facebook, lost 24% of its value today, and is down 73% from last year's high Rob Beschizza
mark zuckerberg Meta VR upgrade preview may be "a motion captured lie", but at least meta-Zuckerberg now has legs Rob Beschizza
facebook Zuckerberg's wealth slides with Meta's value, but he's still the world's twentieth richest person Rob Beschizza
facebook Facebook blames those pesky algorithms for approving pro-genocide ads in Kenya Mark Frauenfelder
facebook Facebook blames hate speech ads on mistake, immediately approves more hate speech ads Mark Frauenfelder
facebook Zuckerberg coldly explains to Facebook staff they are now to be known as "Metamates" Rob Beschizza
facebook Facebook loses daily users for the first time since it launched, stock price drops 20% Mark Frauenfelder