global warming Ominous chart reveals alarming temperature spike in North Atlantic Ocean Mark Frauenfelder
environmental disasters Ongoing methane leak near Los Angeles is the "worst environmental disaster since 2010 BP oil spill" Mark Frauenfelder
natural phenomena Turkmenistan wants to extinguish the fiery Darvaza Crater, known as The Gates of Hell Carolyn Townsend
late stage capitalism World's largest cruise ship, "Icon of the Seas," which includes the largest swimming pool at sea and an "Ultimate Family Townhouse" costing $100,000 per week, sets sail on its first voyage Jennifer Sandlin
Science Atmosphere of exoplanet is found to be indicative of an ocean surface… and maybe, possibly life Ruben Bolling
gases in the gut A dead 62-foot whale spooked examiners when it made bubbling noises — a warning it could explode Carla Sinclair
politics Ohio redefines natural gas as "green energy" and makes it easier to drill in state parks Rob Beschizza