emperor wears new clothes "Appalling!" Huge naked Trump statue sends GOP leader into rage — the same MAGA man accused of sexual harassment Carla Sinclair
donald trump Giuliani's courtroom meltdown: Judge mutes MAGA stooge during sexual harassment case Ellsworth Toohey
law Drag artist wins defamation case against right-wing blogger who falsely claimed he flashed children Rob Beschizza
Chaya Raichik "They're importing people who want to destroy America" says Libs of TikTok founder in revealing interview Jennifer Sandlin
supreme court John Oliver offers corrupt Clarence Thomas a luxury RV and $1 million a year to "get the f*ck off the Supreme Court" Mark Frauenfelder
King Charles dead in 6 months, and Biden & Trump "get down and dirty" in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan