Sex All feminists want to be raped, says Red Pill Reddit thread boss. Is he New Hampshire State Rep. Robert Fisher? Xeni Jardin
health The new Republican health care bill classes rape, PTSD, and domestic abuse as excludable pre-existing conditions Cory Doctorow
rape culture Op-ed recommendation: "Until we treat rapists as ordinary criminals we won't stop them" Caroline Siede
censorship Turkish dictator fires 15,000 more public workers, shuts down 375 more NGOs and 9 more news outlets Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Montana judge unrepentant after sentencing man to 60 days for repeatedly raping his own 12 year old daughter Cory Doctorow
politics Trump apologizes for boasting about groping women, says he'll be talking about Bill Clinton more now Rob Beschizza
trump "Grab them by the pussy!" Trump was caught on hot mic boasting about what he did to women Rob Beschizza
Business New rideshare service bets women are ready to leave Uber's sleazy, rape-friendly service Cory Doctorow
india Male council in India orders sisters to be raped because their brother eloped with a married woman Mark Frauenfelder