News 'Protector' Trump jokes about a woman getting 'the hell knocked out of her' when she gets home (video) Carla Sinclair
donald trump Trump's desperate slut-shaming attempt backfires in last night's debate Ellsworth Toohey
News NFL kicker tells young women to be homemakers — but his own mom is a scientist Mark Frauenfelder
News Toxic influencer Andrew Tate to stand trial on sex trafficking and rape charges Mark Frauenfelder
Welcome to Gilead MAGA man will never vote for Nikki Haley because "she has no balls to scratch" (video) Carla Sinclair
research Manosphere grifters misuse evolutionary psychology to promote anti-feminist views Jennifer Sandlin
politics Apoorva Ramaswamy defends husband's sexist slur — "He is the most pro-woman man I've ever met" Mark Frauenfelder
britain Culture of body shaming and abuse reported at prestigious British ballet schools Rob Beschizza
politics Ron DeSantis says baseball players are good, but basketball players are "freaks of nature" Mark Frauenfelder
crime London's police force "rotten" and pervaded by racism, homophobia and misogyny, according to report it commissioned Rob Beschizza
congressbros Matt Gaetz's new staffer: "I need a woman who looks like she just got punched" Carla Sinclair
crime Sex trafficking suspect Andrew Tate threatens alleged victim: retract your claim or I sue you Rob Beschizza