drugs Timothy Leary's archivist on Leary's prison escape, Algerian exile, and Swiss prison-time Cory Doctorow
Culture Prototype dissidents: Timothy Leary and Václav Havel at the dawn of the internet age Lisa Rein and Michael Horowitz
beatles Tim & Rosemary Leary, John Lennon & Yoko Ono in conversation in 1969 – released for 1st time today Lisa Rein
science fiction Get the free online edition of the classic 1986 cyberpunk anthology Mirrorshades Mark Frauenfelder
art NFT auction for Keith Haring's never-before-seen digital drawings he made on a computer Timothy Leary gave him in the mid-1980s David Pescovitz
art Cartoonist Kayfabe talks paintings by Robert Williams, founder of Juxtapoz magazine and ZAP comix artist Popkin