News Man returns from vacation to learn that he has died, according to the government David Pescovitz
archaeology 400-year-old "vampire" child found padlocked in its grave to prevent an undead escape David Pescovitz
music San Francisco Bay Area tonight and 2/21: David J (Bauhaus and Love and Rockets) solo shows David Pescovitz
kickstarter Sneak Peek at the new Dracula prequel comic from Grendel creator Matt Wagner and Batman artist Kelley Jones Thom Dunn
iceland The Museum of Sorcery and Witchcraft tells the story of Iceland's 17th century "witchcraze," complete with "necropants" Jennifer Sandlin
cemeteries Police request railings and other hostile architecture in cemetery to prevent people from having sex on the tombstones David Pescovitz
france Inside a looted store in France — news channel live broadcasts encounter between police and alleged thief Mark Frauenfelder
apple Lufthansa "bans AirTags in luggage" after passengers publicly shame it with location of lost bags Rob Beschizza