Boing Boing Gadgets This powerful all-terrain e-bike conquers city streets and trails at 20mph Boing Boing's Shop
libertarians Mystery land buyer in California turns out to be Silicon Valley investors, to build utopian community Rob Beschizza
trees City of Portland planted trees in downtrodden neighborhood and then didn't bother to water them David Pescovitz
clueless congressfolk Marjorie Taylor Greene's praise for Biden is now a campaign ad approved by the president himself (video) Carla Sinclair
nyc New York City will begin charging up to $23 to drive a car in lower Manhattan, trucks up to $82 Mark Frauenfelder
homelessness in america Private equity firms scooping up properties to maximize profits, increasing number of unhoused people Elías Villoro
a kingdom for my horse As TSLA stock falls 9%, its ever consistent CEO reverses his layoff statements Jason Weisberger
health Noise pollution caused one in 20 heart attacks in New Jersey, scientists report David Pescovitz