war on the impoverished Judge releases 76-year-old woman who was imprisoned for missing a phone call Mark Frauenfelder
Oscar winners Watch the Oscan-winning short documentary "Learning To Skate In A War Zone (If You're A Girl)" Elías Villoro
Boing Boing Gadgets Vocabulary Quest is an action-adventure game that also happens to teach you advanced vocab words Boing Boing's Shop
Business Structural Separation: antitrust's tried-and-true weapon for monopolists who bottleneck markets Cory Doctorow
History Remembering Velma Demerson: Grand soul, feminist, human rights advocate and writer Harry Kopyto
corruption The UK grew rich by looting the world; now it launders billions for other looters Cory Doctorow
fake news JFK Jr. murdered, Princess Diana murdered, and Prince George targeted by assassin, in this week's killer tabloids Peter Sheridan
gop Trump wants to cap lifetime Medicaid benefits, even for disabled people, the chronically ill, and people with Alzheimer's Cory Doctorow
book reviews To Read Aloud is a portal straight to that Middle Earth where magic happens Ferdinando Buscema