Civil War GOP Rep Adam Kinzinger warns that a civil war is not far-fetched: "I now believe it is a real possibility" Carla Sinclair
heart attacks After 3 Michigan hunters drop dead in a week, a doctor gives some advice Carla Sinclair
delightful creatures Ouch! Man in Speedos finds out the hard way why a park warns NOT to pet the wild horses (video) Carla Sinclair
right to repair This hidden warning inside Teenage Engineering's hugely popular product has no teeth Lux Sparks-Pescovitz
italy Italian authorities seeking woman who "mimicked sex" with Bacchus statue in photos Allan Rose Hill
tourists "Touron" who ignores warning signs at Yellowstone National Park for photo-op gets thrown in jail Carla Sinclair
protective cow elk Cow elk attacks 4-year-old boy at Colorado playground — just days after 8-year-old girl was attacked Carla Sinclair