disasters averted Cargo ship goes haywire in South Carolina — doubles its speed as busy bridge is forced to shut down Carla Sinclair
maga "DEI did this" Florida MAGA rep blames DEI for bridge collapse. Check out The Wire creator's response Mark Frauenfelder
owning the libs MAGA delirously blames Baltimore bridge collapse on the border… er, Covid … er, WW3 … (video) Carla Sinclair
rescues Firefighter rescues driver after dramatic crash leaves semi-truck dangling off bridge (video) Carla Sinclair
James River Bridge Virginia man crashes into 3 cars, then jumps off bridge to avoid arrest Carla Sinclair
new york Bridge shreds truck right as reporter covers story on dangerous bridges (video) Carla Sinclair
preventable accidents A glass bridge shatters, killing one tourist and injuring three others Carla Sinclair
memes Newly-designated Harambe Memorial Bridge will soon receive an official name that doesn't honor the slain gorilla David Pescovitz
poor planning Watch: Bridge in India collapses for the 2nd time in 14 months, captured in spectacular footage Carla Sinclair
flood damage Man in Alabama steps out of car to watch cracks forming on ground — then bridge collapses (video) Carla Sinclair
bridges Watch: Freeway overpass not-so-gently removes too-tall van being hauled atop a truck David Pescovitz
san francisco Engineers will attempt to fix the Golden Gate Bridge's eerie hum sound that freaks some people out David Pescovitz