Julie Nolke explains the pandemic to her past self, part 5

I hope Julie Nolke stops making these videos. Not because I don't like them (I love them) but because when she stops that means the pandemic will finally be over.

In this 5th installment, an August 2021 Julie updates a December 2020 Nolke on the state of the world, with special emphasis on explaining why the pandemic continues to tear through the population because so many people refuse to take the vaccine. — Read the rest

Once again, Lauren Boebert makes a fool of herself on the House floor (video)

Congressquack Lauren Boebert once again made a mockery of herself, this time foolishly snapping at a witness with ignorant assumptions during a hearing today only to be hammered more than once with facts. (See video below, posted by Acyn.)

"You all are allowing delinquent employees to sit on their sofas at home instead of actually getting to work and doing their jobs. — Read the rest

Doctor Who almost got canceled during the pandemic

Jodie Whittaker

They say that only two things will survive the(increasingly likely) nuclear apocalypse: twinkies and cockroaches. However, the list should be amended to include Doctor Who. Throughout the storied history of the British sci-fi institution, Doctor Who has faced threats of cancellation almost as frequently as any other member of the titular character's rogue's gallery. — Read the rest

Teach yourself how to play guitar with the Jamstik trainer

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Has learning how to play the guitar been on your bucket list? Learning how to play guitar should be simple, fun, and accessible, but with the average guitar costing $600 — lessons not included, you might feel inclined to delay that Fender purchase. — Read the rest

Freezing your body to be revived in the future was much harder during the pandemic

Cryopreservation is the gamble that if you're put into deep freeze death upon death, medical technology could advance enough in the future to repair your body and awaken you. Right now, there are around 500 people who bet it will happen, paying more than $200,000 before their deaths to have their bodies—or in some cases, just their brains—filled with protective chemicals and stored in vats of liquid nitrogen at one of a few facilities around the world. — Read the rest

High school teacher suspended for taking students to strip club, drinking with the kids, exposing himself to a colleague, and acting like a total ass during school trip

Richard Glenn, a teacher at Longridge Towers School in Northumberland, England, has been suspended for three years for his "unacceptable" behavior during a school trip for 16 to 18-year-olds to Costa Rica before the pandemic. Administrators sent Glenn home early. Apparently he didn't dispute the accusations but, "due to his state of intoxication," had no memory of his actions that the BBC reports included:

  • Drinking with pupils
  • Allowing one or more pupils to drink alcohol despite being under the legal age of 18
  • Threatening to "kick the head in" of one pupil and "kill" another
  • Telling one pupil: "I'm not in trouble – you'll be in trouble"
  • After being aggressive to one pupil, he kissed the boy's forehead and told him "you're all right"
  • Taking one or more pupils to a strip club
  • Acting aggressively towards the woman leading the trip when she tried to help him back to his tent
  • Exposing himself to the woman in a shared hotel room, although it was agreed this was not "malicious or sexually motivated"