People who detox from Facebook become less likely to believe fake news, says new study

facebook fake news

Researchers have discovered that taking a six-week detox break from Facebook can significantly reduce a person's chances of falling for online misinformation.

The study, published in PNAS, is the largest social media deactivation experiment ever conducted, involving over 35,000 Facebook and Instagram users who agreed to disconnect during the 2020 U.S. — Read the rest

Facebook pushing AI-generated images of starving, drowning, bruised and mutilated children into users' feeds

At 404 Media, Jason Koebler reports that AI images of suffering children, some depicting them mutilated or dying, are appearing in Facebook users feeds. It's the latest and most alarming example of AI-generated garbage filling the platform, complete with inane replies from bots, from "boomers", and from unambigious humans helping spread the posts by angrily calling them out, a classic Facebook engagement success model.Read the rest

UK conservative politicians and their staff in private Facebook groups full of racist, sexist, homophobic postings

It's often remarked that UK conservatives are a step or three to the left of America's, that even the right wingers are as gay as maypoles and that its government is the most diverse in history. But it turns out they're all on far-right Facebook groups full of Der Sturmer-tier racist hysteria, run by their staffers and now infiltrated by activists. — Read the rest

After $500m Zuckerberg donation, Harvard university gutted its disinfo team studying Facebook

Harvard University assembled a team of prestigious experts and set them loose on the problem of Facebook cultivating and spreading disinformation. Then the Zuckerbergs gave Harvard University $500m. Then Harvard University shut the team down.

Dr. Joan Donovan, one of the world's leading experts on social media disinformation, says she ran into a wall of institutional resistance and eventual termination after she and her team at Harvard's Technology and Social Change Research Project (TASC) began analyzing thousands of documents exposing Facebook's knowledge of how the platform has caused significant public harm… In her whistleblower declaration, Donovan lays out in detail how she and her research team at Harvard's Kennedy School (HKS) came under sudden scrutiny from the school's dean, Douglas Elmendorf, and other Kennedy School leaders,after they started working on Haugen's Facebook Files – a cache Donovan describes as "the most important documents in the history of the internet."

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Scams are completely out of control on Facebook Markeplace

It's been getting worse for months, too. Today, I searched for something and the overwhelming majority of listings were comically fraudulent, each with the same price and description. The format is very regular: a price around $100 (not unrealistically low for many used items, but obviously too good to be true for recent-year computers) and identical description text that amounts to "buy this offsite at this hacked shopify URL." — Read the rest

Facebook to lay off another 10,000 workers in coming months

Mark Zuckerberg announced that another 10,000 workers will lose their jobs at Meta, joining the 15,000 laid off earlier this year. The "Year of Efficiency," as he hails it, proceeds apace.

Our efficiency work has several parallel workstreams to improve organizational efficiency, dramatically increase developer productivity and tooling, optimize distributed work, garbage collect unnecessary processes, and more.

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