Convicted PharmaBro Martin Shkreli sued for allegedly copying rare Wu-Tang album

Shkreli in his testimony to Congress. Screenshot: CSPAN

Martin Shkreli, infamously known as "PharmaBro," was convicted of securities fraud and one count of conspiracy back in 2017 for his involvement in some casual pharmaceutical price fixing, and swiftly established a reputation for his trollish douchebaggery.

At one point, Shkreli used his ill-gotten gains to purchase an incredibly rare Wu-Tang Clan album, of which only one single copy exists in the world. — Read the rest

FOIA request reveals rare photographs of that Wu-Tang Clan album bought by Martin Shkreli

Back in 2015, the now-infamous "Pharma-bro" Martin Shkreli spent $2 million dollars to purchase the only existing copy of a new album from the Wu-Tang Clan, titled Once Upon a Time in Shaolin. Here's how Bloomberg described the rare box set:

The 31-track album would come in a hand-carved box, accompanied by a leather-bound book with 174 pages of parchment paper filled with lyrics and background on the songs.

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The weird romance between "PharmaBro" Martin Shkreli and the journalist who first broke the news about his bullshit

Just before the holidays, ELLE broke the news that Christie Smythe—the former Bloomberg reporter who first brought "PharmoBro" Martin Shkreli into the spotlight and spent years getting exclusive interviews with him—also may-or-may-not be in a very serious relationship with him.

Yes really:

Soon after quitting Bloomberg, Smythe visited Shkreli again, fuming about the book industry's rejection of him—and her.

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Jailed "pharma bro" Martin Shkreli fails to end lawsuit against him

Martin Shkreli's ongoing jail term isn't the end of his legal troubles, and a federal judge rejected his latest effort to bring them to a close, allowing a lawsuit against him filed by New York's attorney general to proceed.

The lawsuit accuses Shkreli, a former pharmaceutical executive, of illegally "trying to monopolize the lifesaving drug Daraprim, whose price he raised more than 4,000% in one day." — Read the rest

Incarcerated fraudster Martin Shkreli says he can cure coronavirus if he's released from prison

Martin Shkreli, the universally despised ex-pharmaceutical internet troll, says he can cure coronavirus if he is released from prison early, reports Ars Technica:

"I am one of the few executives experienced in ALL aspects of drug development from molecule creation and hypothesis generation, to preclinical assessments and clinical trial design/target engagement demonstration, and manufacturing/synthesis and global logistics and deployment of medicines," he writes in a note at the end of the document.

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Martin Shkreli's appeal denied

Martin Shkreli, trollish ex-CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, who became infamous in 2015 when he jacked up the price of an HIV medication 5,000%, received some unpleasant news today, reports CNBC. The Supreme Court rejected his request for an appeal of his securities fraud conviction. — Read the rest

Martin Shkreli placed in solitary confinement

Martin Shkreli, infamous for hiking the prices of life-saving drugs and jailed on unrelated fraud charges, is in solitary confinement. The Wall Street Journal reported that he was running businessess from inside using a contraband phone.

One source close to Shkreli's legal team said the fraudster was in the special housing unit (SHU) a week and a half after the article was published on March 7, but the source had not received an update on his status.

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Martin Shkreli owes IRS $1.6 million

Martin Shkreli, the imprisoned pharmacy tycoon who skyrocketed the price of an HIV drug and enjoyed a short period of trollish infamy on social media, owes the IRS more than $1.6 million, according to a court filing.

ABC news reports, "If Shkreli cannot pay, the IRS wants a piece of his other forfeited assets, including an E-Trade brokerage account, a Picasso work and the rare Wu-Tang Clan album 'Once Upon a Time in Shaolin.'" — Read the rest

Martin Shkreli weeps as he is sentenced to 7 years in prison

Martin Shkreli, the entrepreneur famous for hiking the price of a life-saving medicine and defrauding hedge fund investors, was sentenced Friday to serve 7 years in prison.

Convicted in August on securities fraud charges, Shkreli was a sneering, smirking presence in interviews, Capitol Hill hearings and on the internet—at least until the judge tired of his antics and threw him in jail to await sentencing. — Read the rest