Do you use a point or comma as decimal separator?

Depending upon where one is from, Decimal Point, Decimal Comma, or both notations are used as a Decimal Mark to separate integers from the fractional portion of a number. Decimal notation has shifted over the centuries as mathematics has evolved into it's modern usage through trial and error. — Read the rest

Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with mixed-media meme art

Andrew Wodzianski is a DC-area artist whose work often riffs off of nerdy pop cultural touchstones and ephemera. His pieces make references to comic books, 8-bit video games, monster movies, and tabletop gaming.

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation, September 28, 1987, he created pieces of meme-styled art that draw inspiration from the Star Trek coloring books and ship blueprints of his youth. — Read the rest

Video about Robert Zemeckis' "uncanny valley" CGI Films

Robert Zemeckis is best known for directing Forrest Gump, Back to the Future, and Castaway. But his real interest was in making movies using famous movie stars as motion-capture actors for CGI puppets. Unfortunately, his ambitions were ahead of the technology of the time, so his efforts like Polar Express, A Christmas Carol, and Beowolf had characters that looked like animated corpses. — Read the rest

A list of favorite weird-looking dogs

I have a real thing for weird-looking dogs. To me, they are the best-looking dogs. I've gathered some of my favorite weird-looking internet dogs for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy!

Gus Calhoun


Sir Didymus

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Clintons confess, Obama to blame, and Trump triumphs in this week's tabloids

The White House Press Office in Exile, otherwise known as the tabloids, is in full Trump-boosting, Clinton-bashing, Obama-blaming mode this week.

The president, who has previously lamented the injustice of the National Enquirer being deprived of the Pulitzer Prize it so richly deserves, should be pleased with the rag's immolation of Michael Wolff's political bestseller Fire and Fury, with a cover headline branding it a "Book of Lies!" — Read the rest

Inside South Korea's dog-cloning lab

Tony from the Starshipsofa podcast writes, "This week I talk (MP3) to freelance science journalist Mark Zastrow about his visit to a controversial Korean lab, led by Woosuk Hwang who is cloning puppy dogs."

What can animals read from human faces?

A smile can speak a thousand words but those words may remain in the wilderness if the recipient doesn't speak human. Of course animals have many ways in which to interpret our emotions and intentions. They can listen to our voices, smell our bodily chemicals, touch us with their paws, hands and claws, taste us with their overworked tongues and they can see us with observant eyes. — Read the rest