Presidential perverts, Trump's feet, and Biden's medical crisis in last week's dubious tabloids

'National Enquirer'

"Hollywood's 33 Most Spoiled Brats!" dominate this week's cover.

Only 33?

It's an egregiously invasive and callous attack on the defenseless children of stars including Beyoncé, Will Smith, Elton John, Gwen Stefani, Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie, David & Victoria Beckham, and many more celebrities whose fame and wealth makes them a target. — Read the rest

Biden suffers strokes, Prince Andrew's new sex scandal, and a UFO over America, in this week's dubious tabloids


"Tragic Britney Going Broke!" declares the cover story.

Ms. Spears has allegedly "burned through her whopping $60 million fortune" in the past two years – but it's not entirely her fault, claims the tender-hearted and patiently understanding 'Enquirer.'

The "former pop princess has been bled dry after being used as a cash cow" by her estranged parents, ex-husband and the father of her sons, it explains. — Read the rest

Matthew Sweet's album "Girlfriend" celebrates 32 years of "fuzzy power pop perfection"

Thirty-two years ago this week, one of the best albums of all time dropped. Matthew Sweet's Girlfriend has been called "fuzzy power pop perfection" by Paste Magazine, and I wholeheartedly agree. I fell deeply down the Matthew Sweet hole when I first heard Girlfriend, and was lucky enough to see him several times in various clubs in Albuquerque and New Mexico in the early 1990s. — Read the rest

World War III starts (yet again) and RFJ Jr is not RFK, in this week's dubious tabloids

'National Enquirer'

"Iran Ignites World War III" screams the cover story, blaring: "Apocalypse Over Israel!"

The 'Enquirer' seems to forget that it declared the start of WWIII a year ago – in Ukraine.

With its trademark iron-clad grasp of global geopolitics, the rag rages: "Blundering Joe Biden helped trigger World War III by agreeing to swap American hostages held in Iran for $6 billion, which inspired Tehran's mullahs to green-light terror attacks on Israel". — Read the rest

"Warrior Poet" performs an ode to breasts and bodily autonomy, except when it comes to implants

Aubrey "Warrior Poet" Marcus recently dropped a new video featuring his spoken word poetry and boy, is it a doozy. It's titled "Breasts" and is, well, all about breasts. Before getting into his latest poetic offering, though, let's learn a little about Marcus, a wellness influencer and rising star in Austin's anti-vax, anti-mask, New Age spiritual movement. — Read the rest

RFK Jr says Bill Gates is planning to turn us into "enslaved consumers" with "biometric sub-dermal sensor system" implants

rfk jr

RFK Jr's tall tale about Bill Gates' plans to control the populace with implanted chips sounds like something a middle-school student would write in 1985 after reading Neuromancer. Here's what he had to say in a recent interview (video below posted by PatriotTakes):

Microsoft has patented a chip system that is a biometric sub-dermal sensor system.

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