JFK's grandson slams RFK Jr. as "an embarrassment" and endorses Joe Biden (video)

John F. Kennedy's grandson Jack Schlossberg rips into his creepy cousin Robert F. Kennedy Jr. while endorsing President Biden in a video released last night on Instagram (see below).

Comparing President Biden to President Kennedy, he applauds his grandfather's legacy of public service, civil rights, courage, and landing a person on the moon, saying Biden shares JFK's vision for America. — Read the rest

DOJ hangs Trump out to dry

The Department of Justice has come to its senses. The DOJ has decided it does not have "evidence to conclude" defaming a woman that one has previously sexually assaulted is just the President of the United States doing their job. This decision leaves the Orange Menace to face trial in E. — Read the rest

Video shows L.A. County deputy attacking woman who filmed her husband's arrest: "stop or get punched in the face"

A Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy violently attacked a woman filming her husband being handcuffed, and it was all captured on video by another bystander who remains anonymous. The video–later corroborated by the deputy's own bodycam footage–shows him grabbing at her phone then tackling the woman and pepper-spraying her in an apparent attempt to prevent her recording the arrest. — Read the rest

The Pentagon Papers were first published 52 years ago

At a time when classified information is again in the news it might be worth remembering a different example of someone keeping – and then releasing – classified information. On June 13, 1971, the New York Times published documents from the secret Report of the Office of the Secretary of Defense Vietnam Task Force under the headline, "Vietnam Archive: Pentagon Study Traces 3 Decades of Growing U.S. — Read the rest

Bimbo Duchess and a giant UFO in this week's dubious tabloids

'National Enquirer'

The late billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein continues to fascinate the 'Enquirer,' dominating this week's cover with the headline: "Epstein's Hollywood Playmates Exposed!"

The "murdered pedophile's damning diaries" reveal "who visited his sex dungeons!" the rag claims, taking for granted the still-unproven claim that Epstein was assassinated. — Read the rest

Nothing will happen as ProPublica uncovers more evidence of Justice Thomas' profound ethical failures


Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas does not care about ethics and feels above them all. His wife was central to a plot to overthrow Democracy, and a Nazi artifact-collecting billionaire benefactor has propped up his lifestyle for decades. ProPublica continues to dribble out evidence of his failure to report on real estate dealings, income, and gifts. — Read the rest

Saving the gorillas of Uganda by helping the people of Uganda

Conservationist and wildlife veterinarian Dr. Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka spoke at The Explorers Club in New York City last night in support of her new book, Walking with Gorillas: The Journey of an African Wildlife Vet.

Dr. Kalema-Zikuoska founded the NGO Conservation Through Public Health, and has had remarkable success in Uganda with a revolutionary approach to conservation by focusing on the integrated health of humans and wildlife. — Read the rest

Dakota Johnson might be the template for Sue Storm in the MCU's Fantastic Four movie

Watching Iron Man rise from relative obscurity and become a household name thanks to his 2008 film was an exciting moment for fans that obsess over Marvel's comic continuity. Sure, the debut of the Marvel cinematic universe was enjoyable for every certified Marvel zombie, but for the loyalist that value accuracy above all else, Iron Man was a massive triumph. — Read the rest