australia Australian woman suffers a painful spurring while "rescuing" a platypus that didn't need rescuing Jennifer Sandlin
animals Researchers in Perth, Australia believe these are the first recorded echidna vocalizations. Spoiler alert: they sound like a cross between a pigeon cooing and a tiny horse neighing Jennifer Sandlin
delightful creatures Watch: Orangutan flings possum out of its home like an Ultimate Frisbee champ (video) Carla Sinclair
animals Whoops! Hungry koala eats thousands of nursery seedlings intended for a wildlife corridor Jennifer Sandlin
Environment Woman given maximum fine for walking into Australian airport with a rose Mark Frauenfelder
social media Australian women slapped with heavy fines after risky dingo encounters for social media selfies Mark Frauenfelder
mistakes Australian authorities warn locals to stay away from the mysterious metal cylinder on the beach Rob Beschizza
crime "Bugger it": Australian cop tases and kills 95-year-old woman with dementia in her care home Rob Beschizza
mistakes Australians warned not to touch or even approach the poisonous Dendrocnide moroides trees there Rob Beschizza