viral videos "Why would you do that?" Masked vandal defaces Banksy's rhino mural in broad daylight (video) Natalie Dressed
art Suspect facing 12 years for attempting to steal Banksy mural from side of Ukraine home David Pescovitz
art Banksy's infamous shredded painting expected to sell for £6 million, six times its pre-shredded price David Pescovitz
activism Banksy's brilliant idea to make "everyone happy" after activists pulled down Bristol slave trader statue David Pescovitz
art Banksy installed a stunning artwork in a hospital; its auction will raise money for healthcare David Pescovitz
happy mutants Banksy celebrates the erasure of his Brexit mural: "I guess a big white flag says it just as well" Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Canal+ commits copyfraud, gets Banksy's painting-shredding video removed from Youtube Cory Doctorow