Delightful Creatures See the freaky and cool way that a black-eyed tree frog's eyes wake up from a nap Popkin
animals Kinkatopia rescues abandoned kinkajous and discourages you from getting one of the racoon-like animals as a pet Jennifer Sandlin
mistakes Covid hits the high seas again with cruise ship outbreak: 27 infected and one dead so far Rob Beschizza
John McAfee With death, John McAfee reneges on promise to eat own penis on national TV Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets These fan and personal air conditioner deals are your best bet at staying cool this summer Boing Boing's Shop
corruption The US has spent $122B training foreign cops and soldiers in 150+ countries, but isn't sure who Cory Doctorow
John McAfee John McAfee dumps VICE after photo metadata reveal; "Obviously, legal proceedings are under way." Xeni Jardin
Entertainment John McAfee sells TV and movie rights to his life story while detained; graphic novel also under way Xeni Jardin