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Impressive 1.5-meter "sea snake" found by beach clean-up crew was something else entirely Allan Rose Hill
emphysema David Lynch says his days of directing are over — loves smoking, "but in the end, it bit me" Carla Sinclair
SETI Strange starlight patterns could be evidence of alien technology, according to two new scientific studies David Pescovitz
Science This 1900 film of a solar eclipse may be the oldest footage of an astronomical event ever (video) David Pescovitz
fun "This site will self-destruct" finally self-destructs after no-one signs guestbook for 24 hours Rob Beschizza
capitalism "Discard Studies" argues that "social, political, and economic systems maintain power by discarding certain people, places, and things" Jennifer Sandlin
electronics Far-out commercial for Sharp electronics from 1978 tape of Star Wars Holiday Special (video) David Pescovitz