prison reform Prison labor in Massachusetts is used to manufacture Blue Lives Matter merchandise Thom Dunn
black lives matter A US cop made an Irish "Blue Lives Matter" shirt that accidentally said "Black Lives Matter" Thom Dunn
corruption Facebook hate group investigation reveals 400 police officers, including NYPD cops, to be members Xeni Jardin
trumpism Republican lawmakers double-down on legalizing the vehicular murder of protesters Cory Doctorow
weird incidents LA couple terrified after "watermelon-size" ice chunk crashes through roof — JetBlue plays innocent, but FAA disagrees Carla Sinclair
music Watch 22-year-old Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath's blistering performance of War Pigs (1970) Allan Rose Hill
television Ain't it Fun: new graphic novel reveals the untold story of Cleveland's punk music scene Lee Keeler
animals Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary says goodbye to long-time "house turkey" Cornelius Jennifer Sandlin
science fiction Flux is a dizzying, dazzling debut novel about trauma, time travel, and 80s cop shows Thom Dunn
mistakes Jones College Prep student dresses as Nazi, goose steps across stage during assembly, gets booed by fellow students Jennifer Sandlin
racism Homeowner threatened with fines for Black Lives Matter sign hanging inside her home David Pescovitz
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