Copyfight Record label censors copyright lawyers' site by falsely claiming it infringes copyright Cory Doctorow
john darnielle You can buy a life-sized cardboard of The Mountain Goats' John Darnielle for $69.97 Jennifer Sandlin
film Relive the cinematic horror of 1972 with Blacula, Frogs, Tales from the Crypt, and other cult classics David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty has a yoga and fitness app that might just change your life Boing Boing's Shop
happy mutants Luna: Moon Rising, in which Ian McDonald brings the trilogy to an astounding, intricate, exciting and satisfying climax Cory Doctorow
ransomware PewDiePie fan unleashes ransomware that encrypts hard drives until he gets 100M subscribers Mark Frauenfelder