mad maga leaders Donald Trump is literally foaming at the mouth in latest speech (video) Carla Sinclair
cults Humiliating music video worships Donald Trump as "The Chosen One" and nope — it's not a MAGA parody (video) Carla Sinclair
Comedy relief Angry MAGA Congressman is upstaged by his hilarious 6-year-old son (video) Carla Sinclair
witness tampering Trump Team paid 9 key trial witnesses handsomely, says new bombshell report Carla Sinclair
brock turner Brock Turner goes viral (again) as women on social media warn others of his whereabouts Carla Sinclair
Bondi moments Trump-pick Pam Bondi is the dimmest bulb in the room — just how MAGA likes it (video) Carla Sinclair
censorship "Bling Bling" rapper BG required to get government approval for all future songs Thom Dunn
politics Convictions vs. convict: Vermont GOP's "No Felons" rule imperils Trump's candidacy Jason Weisberger
blasphemy Marjorie Taylor Greene owes Jesus Christ an apology after comparing the Lord to a crook (video) Carla Sinclair
new york times NY Times editor Ellen Pollock stands by their disgraceful piece on Elizabeth Holmes Jason Weisberger
parodies Meet the Flynnstones! As in "yabba dabba coup" Michael Flynn and Roger Stone (video) Carla Sinclair
georgia Anyone can now carry a concealed handgun in Georgia without a license or background check Carla Sinclair
News Trump pardons Steve Bannon, Elliot Broidy, Lil Wayne, others — 73 pardons, 70 commutations Xeni Jardin
Police Blotter Zero jail time for those two bribe-taking NYPD cops who had sex with a handcuffed teenager in custody Mark Frauenfelder