politics Breitbart's unhinged "Civil War" reviewer dreams of a President who "shoots journalists on sight" Yoy Luadha
censorship Watch the 2 Live Crew perform in front of a befuddled and disgruntled audience at the Phil Donahue Show in 1990 Jennifer Sandlin
dum, Florida principal fired after parents of sixth graders complained Michelangelo's David statue is "pornographic" David Pescovitz
alpha creeps Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro gang up on Chelsea Handler, and she hits right back (video) Carla Sinclair
Entertainment Disney removes transgender storyline from upcoming Disney+ animated series Ruben Bolling
politics Conservative judge upset at "diversity policy" rejects Boeing's deal in 737 MAX crashes Rob Beschizza
music Legendary soundtrack composer John Williams gets a documentary from his biggest filmmaker fans—here's the trailer Allan Rose Hill
flat earth "Has it been proved that the Earth is round?" asks European government official David Pescovitz