theft Jailbird MAGA sheriff sobs as he's caged for 15 years — luxury car collection seized Ellsworth Toohey
covert swiftie operation Fox's Jesse Watters terrified after psyop Taylor Swift posted link to "Who got to her?" Carla Sinclair
Congressliars George Santos used funds for Botox, Sephora, Only Fans, etc. says scathing new 56-page House Ethics report Carla Sinclair
late stage capitalism Paris Hilton collaborates with Taco Bell for its new "Volcano Menu" campaign, and it's decidedly NOT HOT Jennifer Sandlin
All-One The story behind Dr. Bronner's, the soap company that's been fascinating people for 75 years Jennifer Sandlin
kickstarter Kickstart this cool new comic of North American folktales by Indigenous artists Thom Dunn