mushrooms Google AI just might kill you: it misidentified a Destroying Angel mushroom as an edible"button mushroom" Mark Frauenfelder
music Watch Smokey Robinson bring his heart and soul to this NPR Tiny Desk concert (video) David Pescovitz
motown A look at Motown legend Smokey Robinson's long and compelling career in the music business Rusty Blazenhoff
Science Sex as a cure for nasal congestion, flying rhinoceroses, and cat-human communication: winners of the 2021 Ig Nobel prizes David Pescovitz
Joe Biden Was Joe Biden's whispery Q&A "creepy" or just a spine-tingling ASMR trigger? Carla Sinclair
Funny Read this wonderfully surreal webcomic about intergalactic orgasms and the moon landing. Thom Dunn
Boing Boing Gadgets Here's your Father's Day Gift Guide…so you better choose wisely Boing Boing's Shop
explainer videos A neuroscientist explains the "brain orgasm" response of ASMR videos Mark Frauenfelder