agriculture A former FBI investigator now hunts down long lost apples. He's found dozens of them. Thom Dunn
olympics The 1904 Olympics Marathon gold medalist won while hallucinating on rat poison and brandy Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Gadgets Black Friday came early … the Seido knife set's price has been slashed by over 70% Boing Boing's Shop
Food Here's a guide to picking the best potato variety for mashing, baking, or frying Mark Frauenfelder
Food Danny Trejo, aka "Uncle Machete" says it's ok to share food with your dog; Here are some specifics about what your dog should and should not eat Jennifer Sandlin
animals A small leopard escaped the Dallas Zoo this morning, and she is still missing [Update: Found! Safe and sound] Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets Turn your iPhone into a remote work screen extender with this magnetic arm kit Boing Boing's Shop
Food Person sues Kellogg's claiming strawberry Pop-Tarts didn't have enough strawberries inside David Pescovitz