adorable animals Newborn gorilla miracle: Fort Worth Zoo's tiny survivor beats the odds Jennifer Sandlin
memes Newly-designated Harambe Memorial Bridge will soon receive an official name that doesn't honor the slain gorilla David Pescovitz
Delightful Creatures An Ohio zoo staff was shocked when their "male" gorilla gave birth Carla Sinclair
Delightful Creatures Video: Gorilla brother harasses his baby sibling and gets punished by mom Ruben Bolling
language Gorillas at Atlanta zoo learn to make new sound to capture zookeepers' attention — it's called a "snough" Jennifer Sandlin
Delightful Creatures Watch this amazing interaction between a mother gorilla and a human mom with a baby Carla Sinclair
baby animals Gorilla baby born in New Orleans, tiny and critically endangered but healthy Xeni Jardin
australia Michael Bublé performed a private concert of Christmas songs for a trio of gorillas Thom Dunn