auctions Spike Lee's Nike Air Jordans, worth more than $15k, found in homeless shelter donation bin David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets Here we go again: Los Angeles county "strongly recommends" indoor masking as Covid cases rise Mark Frauenfelder
new york 'Where the Wild Things Are' is Brooklyn Public Library's 'most borrowed' book Rusty Blazenhoff
Boing Boing Gadgets Unlock all of your dog's genetic mysteries with DNA My Dog, now on sale for $53 Boing Boing's Shop
late stage capitalism Manhattan: a city of empty luxury condos and overflowing homeless shelters Cory Doctorow
trump HUD Sec. Ben Carson concerned 'big, hairy men' infiltrating women's homeless shelters Xeni Jardin
toys Donating unwanted LEGO to someone less fortunate is a great way to bring more joy to the world Séamus Bellamy