circus acts Fox's Brian Kilmeade caught on hot mic saying "dumbass" after Rep. Bacon votes for McCarthy (video) Carla Sinclair
tabloids Robert "The Hulk" Kennedy Jr and UFO death rays in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
News Trump pardons Steve Bannon, Elliot Broidy, Lil Wayne, others — 73 pardons, 70 commutations Xeni Jardin
elections Surveillance-happy authoritarian "Democratic" California senator Dianne Feinstein loses California Democratic Party endorsement Cory Doctorow
uk The Tories' failed £1.2m social smear ads reveal callouses on our attention's tender spots Cory Doctorow
News #RightToRecord: DOJ must investigate arrests of citizens who document police killings Laura Poitras and David Felix Sutcliffe
net neutrality #Internetslowdown: FCC receives record-breaking 1.75M comments on Net Neutrality Cory Doctorow