wealth Florida man who won $1 million lottery plans on "upgrading to an electric toothbrush" David Pescovitz
politics Elon Musk resumes cash payments to voters despite Justice Department warning him it's illegal Rob Beschizza
mechanical engineering Watch this loud contraption shake coins to create unhackable crypto wallets Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Shop Shhh…it's silent! Score a fanless MacBook Air M1 for just $514.99. Boing Boing's Shop
finance Judge to hear $7.2B plaintiff's lawyers fee request in Elon's Tesla pay package fiasco Jason Weisberger
winners Maryland man thought he won $100 with lottery ticket, then $10,000 — but nope, it was even more Carla Sinclair
supernatural Home with freaky black hole in the bedroom and other "strange energy" up for sale David Pescovitz
texas Austin's guaranteed basic income pilot program was a hit. A GOP state senator doesn't want it to happen in Houston Jennifer Sandlin