airlines Photos from the Malaysia Airlines MH17 crash site, in Ukraine (warning: graphic images) Xeni Jardin
rude behavior Flight attendants in Denver passed out fliers to spread awareness of "unruly passenger" epidemic Carla Sinclair
emergency landings Yet another diverted flight — but this time the disruptive passenger, caught on video, is a snake Carla Sinclair
fake news Mueller snubbed, Harry and Meghan exiled, and suicidal airline pilots in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
fake news Quantum mechanics and Kevin Spacey, JFK's five assassins, and proof of reincarnation, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Internet is "all lies," eye-rolling rebel leader tells CNN on missing missile tweet (GIF!) Xeni Jardin
russia Rebels seize MH17 plane crash black boxes and bodies, human remains shipped on train to unknown site Xeni Jardin