police Chicago PD's predictive policing tool has been shut down after 8 years of catastrophically bad results Cory Doctorow
Disney John Mulaney learns about the no-fly zone over Disneyland, but don't tell fleeing felons Ruben Bolling
News Ted Cruz shills for airlines, claims automatic refunds are "a dumb idea" (Video) Mark Frauenfelder
Jesus Super Bowl Jesus Ad funded by groups fostering "hateful Christian Nationalism" Jennifer Sandlin
History Adidas CEO says Hitler-loving Kanye isn't really an antisemite — "It just came off that way." Mark Frauenfelder
Food Super-spicy "One Chip Challenge" tortilla chip removed from shelves when 14 year-old dies after eating one Rob Beschizza
climate change Smash Mouth wrote "All Star" to warn us about climate change & anti-intellectualism and we turned it into a meme Thom Dunn